Marriage Counseling

All marriages have times of stress and challenge. When these become a threat to the continuance of the marriage and clients wish to heal the divisions that sometimes threaten a marriage, Grove counselors can help both partners successfully navigate the way ahead.

Marriage Counseling

All marriages have times of stress and challenge. When these become a threat to the continuance of the marriage and clients wish to heal the divisions that sometimes threaten a marriage, Grove counselors can help both partners successfully navigate the way ahead.

Pre-Marital Counseling

How people enter into marriage sets the tone for the rest of their married lives. We assist couples about to enter the bonds of matrimony by helping each person to explore their own as well as their partner’s, wants, needs, and goals before the day of the happy event.

Pre-Marital Counseling

How people enter into marriage sets the tone for the rest of their married lives. We assist couples about to enter the bonds of matrimony by helping each person to explore their own as well as their partner’s, wants, needs, and goals before the day of the happy event.

Conflict Resolution

Relationships are a part of the human condition that can be powerfully rewarding. They can also pose challenges that can impact our daily lives. We’ll help you understand the root causes of relationship conflict and discover ways to bring positive resolution to issues in your life.

Conflict Resolution

Relationships are a part of the human condition that can be powerfully rewarding. They can also pose challenges that can impact our daily lives. We’ll help you understand the root causes of relationship conflict and discover ways to bring positive resolution to issues in your life.


One of the greatest sources of grief and stress in life is the betrayal of love.  Helping our clients to heal from the wounds of infidelity is where we start. Where we end is the result of a process of self-understanding of your wants and needs as you move forward from the pain.


One of the greatest sources of grief and stress in life is the betrayal of love.  Helping our clients to heal from the wounds of infidelity is where we start. Where we end is the result of a process of self-understanding of your wants and needs as you move forward from the pain.


In life, we can find ourselves wondering why another person does not seem to understand us only to find the other feels misunderstood as well. So often the reason has to do with a lack of positive communication. We’ll help you explore the root causes of why communication has broken down and then work with you reestablish positive lines of communication.


In life, we can find ourselves wondering why another person does not seem to understand us only to find the other feels misunderstood as well. So often the reason has to do with a lack of positive communication. We’ll help you explore the root causes of why communication has broken down and then work with you reestablish positive lines of communication.



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